Japan Play Transylvania (part 2)

It was in April, I know, but I was busy, and really don't have time to post anything:D
But here I am^.^

First Day

I was with my lil bro, and we met there with Takumi, and a little after with Andrea, and with the others.
                                 In the first day, I was dressed very normal, I wanted to have fun:D

U it was awsome when we arrive, everyone with those cosplay costumes, it was like a dream. A day what will remain in my memory for a lo~ng time
I want those earphones. They were awsome(^.^) Vocaloid cosplay

Ani-chan, cosplay from  Rosen Maiden

   Hmmm I don't really know, who is he...
                                                    Amane Misa-chan
  Kawai, ne?
 So after we look around a little, we go to listen music, in the Music Room. Some J-pop, K-pop, J-rock for sure ^^
Than we found the Game room. It was the worst thing :P There was Step Mania, so we start to dance, and we danced all day long :P
My lil bro ^^ 

Step Mania for everyone, but it was awsome:D Believe me.

Oh I almost forgot
Isn't he cute? There were Japanese guys as well, and yes, we profit on this :P
                                               And we pose with posters too :P

           And Takumi, with his super cute T-shirt with chibi Ichigo <3
(He has cat ears too, but I will be killed if I post those pics:P)

There was a cosplay contest too, but I'm lazy to post pics from it, and there are just a few of them, not something very interesting ;)
So in big this was the first day, but there is a second day, so I'm not finished with this

Second Day

On the first day, I promised to Takumi, that I will o MisaMisa cosplay, and I did it. Here is the result

 What you think?
                                                  Oh my God, Vampire Knight:D I couldn't resist :P

Takumi loved it, so I was happy:D He has "work on that day, so we mat only at the morning, and than on the evening, but it was okay^^

And sure dance again:P

I had to change my shoes too:P I couldn't dance with high heels (*^.^*)

Around lunch time we go to a karaoke contest, and I couldn't believe that I won the third prize:D 
I was cho~ ureshi~ I got tea, and Japan Play t-shirt, and a death note (:P) and many many badges 
(with Kame, Tat-chan, Roy-chan, and K-pop Baby)

That two days were so beautiful, and I don't want to forget it , never

In big these were the important things:) Sure , there were more interesting things, but it remains in my memory :D But thank you Japan Play, and I hope I will have a chance next year too, to be here


Lazy me

I was too lazy, and I didn't post anything for a long time-.- Sorry guys

Hmmm many things happend... I was busy with school, but thanks God, I finished my semestrial papers, so I'm more relaxed now ^^
Ye, sure life is not as happy as we imagine, but it has his own special things:
- I broke up, with Alex, and we don't speak as much as we talked. I was naive and I thought we could be friends (*sigh*)
- I had a fight with Andrea...and she don't really talk with me... it has his own stoy why we fight, but maybe she will reconcile and than we will be friends again
- And than the reason why I have a fight with her... one word: Takumi. He is my bf now, and I love him very much... I'm very surised too, for my own feelings, but my life is just like this. I don't know what will happen next, but it's exciting
- And I just remembered I don't even write about Japan Play, how awful from me :D

In big, these were the most important "happenings". I have to write here more often, cuz, maybe I will forget the important things .

Oh yes, and I had a hair cut:D Scrissors and comb, and here is the result