Summer volunteering~

Hello hello~~

Blogging is so fun so I don't know why I'm doing this so rare -.- Sorry~

But I'm back and finally it's summer time~ Swimming pool, picnic, tanning, sunglasses, shorts and fun, here I come~~~

It was Easter when I post here last... and now is summer already. It's a shame!!

Uni is over as well, I will be a second year student! \(゚ー゚\)
 But until than I have a long summer to have fun ~

i love volunteering activities, so me and honey volunteered for the city days. It was a really funny week with a lot of entertaining activities~

With one of our volunteering friend~ Cute T-shirts
My so pink and fluffy cotton candy~
And it was also an awesome Korean Cultural festival so we went with honey to look around. It was great day ~~ We took selfies with everyone and I tried on a Korean hanbok ^0^

Oh and we met with a lot of sweet friends and also Bogi-chan was there. She was volunteering together with her Uni colleagues.

With Lidia~


ˇHe made that awesome Korean food

And with Kristina~
And before I forget, we have a new pet~~
His name is Chua and he is a mini Asian hamster (ノ゚▽゚)ノ

That's all for today~ Maybe... I don't know yet * Maybe I will post something in the near future~

I would be happier if I would get some comments as well~~ It would be really awesome and blogging would be easier and enjoyable ~(‾▿‾~)

Take care and always have fun~
Have a really great summer break (*^▽^)/