♫"I just can't stop falling love with you"♫

I told, that I'm in love with someone, right? So that someone visited me in my Easter vacation. Isn't that great?:D

So he should have come on Monday, but it was 16th, so there were NO buses(-.-) We were a little bit dissapointed because of this, but anyway, he came on Tuesday. It was great, I mean our first meeting, because he was cuter than I thought, so I was fangirling in myself (hihi).
He arrived at evening, so we cannot go anywhere, but it was great like this, cuz this way, we could talk a lo~t.

On the second day, on Wednesday, my parents come up with the idea, that we should go to the saline, in a nearby town. So we waked up at 11 am ( a little late:P) and we go there. It was a good day, I had a lot of fun, and it was just our second day, but I felt, that I know him for ages (*^.^*)

The weather was a little cloudy, but it was okay, because we went underground:P

On our third day, on Thursday, we met Andrea and her boyfriend. We went to the mall, we ate chinese food, and we walk a little around. We didn't stay for a long time together, and I don't want to give details why. So we went separately. We decide to go to Sakura, to drink a tea. We met Takumi there, it was a surprise, but I don't know why, because heis always there:P Maybe he will move there soon (lol)
The tea was very good, and I enjoyed every moment that I spent it with him(^o^)

From the teahouse, we went to the supermarket, to buy this and that, for our " big cooking day" (lol) We were like husband and wife (:P) at least I felt like this (*^.^*). So we bought everything that we needed, and than we went home.

On Friday, was our "big cooking day". I was woked up by him, and he layed down beside me, in my parents bedroom(:P) It's bigger than mine, so it was a little more confortable like this:D And it was a special opportunity, cuz my parents weren't at home.
It was a little hard to wake up, but we needed to cook:D Sure we made chinese food a'la Alex (hihi)
We started like this...
 My little bro helped us too~
Cooking, cooking~
When we done cooking we sit down to eat. Thanks honey~
Believe me, it was delicious ♥
Hihi this too, as well ♥

So it was delicious, and we ate a lo~t, and I was very happy ♥
At evening my parents arrived home, and thay thought so, it was awsome:D
Because we stayed home all day long, we went, with the family as well, to a little city tour. We showed to him the town, and we ate a lot of ice-cream:P But really, Alex said that he will have diabetes if we continue like this (^^")
Alex with my bro

On Saturday, it was the last day, and I really wanted a special day. We went to the citadel. to have a chance to see the whole town from the top. So we walk a lot, we had fun, we made some pictures, and we ate chocolate in the rain(^o^)
So our last day was very beautiful, my heart was full with love (^.^)
On our last night we stayed in my bed, and we both cried, and we just spoke random things, but all these were very true and honest.

On Sunday Alex had to back home, so we went to the station. Something wanted for us to stay together for a little bit more, so he went home with another bus, not with the first one (long story why). So we stayed there, waiting for the bus, eating sandwiches...
I cried a lot after, even in the taxi, in my way home, but the taxi driver was very kind, and I got a  tissue from him. I missed him a lot, so the first two days without him were horrible, but now it's better. I know we will meet on summer, and we will spnd our vacation together(*^.^*)

So it's long I know, but these are precious memories for me. The little romantic things, like when we ate sandwiches in the middle of the night, or how cute he was with his glasses, or when we walk in the park in the rain, are also very special moments for me.

So I think I will finish this here, hope I didn't forget anything(^o^)
Oh this cute little thing reminds me of my cute panda-pillow (Sapanad) and my awsome Chinese kimono, what I got from my honey, sure.
Xie xie ni♥

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