Random movie time

Yesterday, I wanted to buy Hello Kitty pencil case, but I decided to buy it some other time. But there were so~ cute (* >ω<) My last year of high school is right here in the corner, so I want my things for school all pink, and Hello Kitty (just for fun)(* >ω<)
A few pics before  going^o^
It was a little colder than the other days, so I was happy, cuz I dressed up a little warmer than the usual~

So we just hang out in the mall, when we got to the cinema. It was a movie, which we wanted to see for a long time, so there was the chance(^v^)
We bought out tickets. The movie was from 21:30, and it was around 7 pm when we bought them...
I've got a 50% sale for the combo, popcorn and juice menus~ (I have card for the cinema)
So we had a lo~t of time to look around, for clothes, for everything, but we still had time, so we went for a walk on the hill, near the mall. The town was so~ beautiful from there, in the nightfall~

After we got back, we went inside, and we took some pics in the waiting room, because we had to wait 5 mins more-.-

We went for the movie called: Magic Mike. It had a very great cover, and the trailer was gereat as well, so we was very excited to see this.
I was with Andrea, and when we got inside, we were just the two of us... But after a while others came too, but all girls, just one boy was there, in rest full of girls. But sure, after you will watch the movie, you will understand why~(^з^)-☆
In the cinema. It was dark... and we couldn't use the blitz from the camera-.-
 But the movie was awsome, I just recommant it to all the girls, who want to have a really great time, with 5 awsome guys from the movie(。♥‿♥。)
And when the movie was over, we took a secret, very quick pic with the cover~
The essence seems :P

I don't regret that we were that crazy to buy a random ticket, in random time... The best things happen by accident, ne~?ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Family camping

This weekend my mom asked me and Takumi for help. We bought an allotment, for the weekends, but it is just a place with grass, and one tree on it. So we bought a spade, hack, shovel and everything we need for a little gardening\(^ ^)/

And the great thing was that we stayed in tent~
This is the land, it's quite big~

That big tent was my parents bedroom, and the "kitchen", and that smaller one, my little bros

And that was our "bedroom" with Takumi (it was bigger, than I thought)

And the beautiful tree from there

When I first saw the land, I didn't thought that it was that big, but I felt it, when we needed to take the luggages, out of the car, and to brng them under that tree.
After all this, we set up our tents. It was a nightmare to set up the biggest tent... It was like a puzzle, without any picture or any instruction... But it was fun to work with the boys and my parents.
We cut the unnecessary branches from the tree, we distroyed a few ant hills, and we cleand up everything.
Takumi cutting a branch~

The boys worked even when it got dark~

And now?... It's too dark... and too high
My lil bro was very hard-working. He made the fire, he gathered the trash, and even made the fire... again~

We went for a weekend, but it was fun, so we decide to stay one more day... It was a bad idea... That night was a huge storm with lightnings and thunders.、、ヽ`☂ヽ`、ヽ``、ヽ It was so~ kowaii~ I was so afraid, I was just lucky to have Takumi beside me, he was very kind, and he calmed me down. (*^^*)

But in general, our weekend was great, and we had fun. And I still hate to sleep in tents, but we will have a little weekend house there, but we have to build it first~

Orienteering, or how to get bored staying 4 hours in one place

" Orienteering is a family of sports that requires navigational skills using a map and compass to navigate from point to point in diverse and usually unfamiliar terrain, and normally moving at speed. Participants are given a topographical map, usually a specially prepared orienteering map, which they use to find control points. "

So in big, this is orienteering. I didn't hear about this, untill now, but when I was invited by Takumi to join him... I didn't tought, that it will be like this.
We didn't run, we just had to stay in one point, and take care of control points. 
This was my control point
I just went with Takumi... I didn't want to stay alone FOR 4 HOURS. They said, that those points are close to each other, and we can communicate with the others... yea sure... on phone, maybe...
It was not fun at all-.-
Here is everyone...

He was that someone, who organised us in small groups

That place was the finish
After we stayed there a while, they gave us our control points, and we went to the points where we had to stay. I thought that orienteering is in nature, in unusual places... not in town, and not near where I live... So I stayed in front of a building, alone, for 4 hours... how fun~
For the first hour I stayed on these stairs...

After I just took pics about myself...
I really can't explain how boring it was.... I read, I listened to music, I even talked with some strange grannys... 
I talked to my mom too, she asked me, if I want something, since I was that close to my house... And she baked pancakes for us, for when we will get home... Pancakes was great, with apple, and Takumi love pancakes, so we ate a lot, when we arrived home. But it was still boring staying there.
They asked us for help for next year too... but I will have to think about it a lo~t... I will have to be very bored to get there again....
And for the run... and orienteering... my orientation sucks... so no way o(>< )o
And Takumi owe me a lo~t for this...


Nail art today~ and shopping

I went for a little shopping, yesterday and I bought some nail accessories

Nail stickers

And white rhinestones.。.:*☆ 
 Since I got them, I made my nails too^^

They are super cute now, I love themヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Sleepover with Bogi-chan

Tuesday I went to Bogi-chans place, she invited me for a sleepover. It was very hot outside, and i went with bus... it was horrible, but when I met Bogi, we went in the mall. Hooray for air conditioning ヽ(´ー`)ノ
We met Mara and Emi accidentally, they went in the mall, for a movie. It was great to chat with them for a while, I missed them very much. (=`ω´=)
We were very thristy, so we bought some juice. It was a surprise, because we found in the mall juice from Japan, called MoguMogu. It was so~ cute and oishi~
So after the shopping we get to her place. It was fun to be there. she lives a big house, but it's a little bit far away from town, but the scenery from there is so~ beautiful.

And the night landscape as well^^
 Her mother was at home, so she prepared for us dinner^^

After our dinner, we made some pics, and we posed with our MoguMogus(=^-ω-^=)
My hair was a mess from the hot weather-.-

Bogi-chan posing with her strawberry Mogu~
 We watched movies after, we ate sweets, and we talked untill 4:30 am, I was so~ sleepy, I fell asleep right away   (ˇoˇ) zzZZ
The next day, we were alone, so we made our breakfast. It was Chicken Teriyaki. Choo~ Oishii~
Bogi preparing out breakfast^^

Teriyaki souce

And out very tasty food~

And my cute, pink, strawberry Nesquick ♥
After the breakfast we listened to the music on her home-cinema. It was great like that
 ♪ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v ♪

Thanks Bogi-chan for everything, it was good to be there.

Oh I almost forget. Her father brought me back in the town, with scooter. I enjoyed it very much, since I never ride one before^^ It was so~ refreshing (〜^∇^)〜

Hang Out~Sixth, Seventh and Last day

On the sixth day, Saturday, me and Takumi went alone to the concert, because Bogi-chan was lazy~ (she read mangas all day longミ..ミ) my bro and I was in fight...so...he stayed at home. So two of us, just the two of us(・`ω´・) It was fine, it was very fine. I didn't make pictures, just of my outfit :
Quite simple, huh?
After I waked up, I got text message from Takumi, and we went to eat out lunch together. We went to Tokyo, a Japanese restaurant. Sorry for not taking pics, but I was hungry, and happy to eat there. So we ate super delicious food (I ate a lunch box, and Takumi ramen with sushi), and after we stayed a little in the center and we relaxed. But it was almost 4 pm, so we went home, to get ready for the evening.
I went to Sakura, to pick up Takumi, and I ate Kaki-pi (some snacks). After we went to the concert... but it was kind of... interesting. We stayed just a little, after we went to look around in the town. It was a festival atmosphere everywhere in the center. It was very funny.(*^ω^)人(^ω^*)

After we got tired, we sat down in the center, we ate ice-cream, and just forget about everything.
We planned to go to Tokyo the next day, but I was sick all night long, I didn't sleep so much, and I didn't want to eat so out lunch was postponed-.- Gomen(;-_-)/

Sunday, I was sick all day long, and I couldn't sleep at night... so it was super beautiful...-.- but this is it. There are days like this too.

But the day after, on the last hang out day, we went to Andrea (it's another Andrea, she works at Sakura). She invited us to her place, for dinner. Thank youuuuu(〜^∇^)〜 It was so~ oishi. We ate a kind of spaghetti, but it was with Ravioli. But believe me, it was super good^^
There were fireworks in the town!!! But we were late.... soo.... this is it. I just saw a little of it-.-
But it was okay. I were with Takumi, and we hurried, but it was to late, but never mind.(。・ω・。)
We stayed down in the center and we talked and had fun. We saw a really big praying mantis on the ground. Sure we went there, and took pictures, he was like a modell :P
Don't make more photos... my eyes.. I'm going blind...
 So in big this is it. Sorry for the so much text... but I didn't made photos-.- my bad... I will bring more interesting posts in the future.
Tonight I will go to Bogi-chan for sleep-over. so we will have a mini pajama party. ~~ So I have to go to pack now~

Hang Out~ Fifth day

How I said, I hoped, that it will be better, and it WAS. I had fun, I was happy, we danced and we sang too much. My voice was destoyed this morning, but it worth. I love you, Neoton Family. (。・ω・。)ノ♡

+ My outfit for that day

Bogi-chan said, that I was kakkoii (mean's cool) (*^3^)

So we arrived in the center at 7:30 pm, and we waited for Bogi-chan and Takumi. It was crowded, but not like Thursday.

 It was quite well, and Bogi was there early, and we didn't wait too long. But sure, for someone we waited again, like always. We were bored, so we  just made a photo and sent it to Takumi, to hurry up★彡

 So after a while, he arrived too, and we had fun. We sang a lo~t those  old, good songs, that brings up memories. It was so~ great. Really (^O^☆♪

And before the concert, for sure: pictures  (^O^☆♪

Bogi-chan with her lollipop~

Shooting myself~

♪Lolli lolli lollipop Oh neon naui lollipop
Lolli lolli lollipop oh lolli pop pop♪

 And after the fun, pictures again♪
 And I was so~ surprised, because Takumi allowed to took pictures, and he even smiled≡★
I'm so~ happy, because he had fun too. And I got chocolate from him, dark one, for my diet~ He can be so~ sweet sometimes. Love you(。・ω・。)ノ♡
That's my hat~

Hey, and my face? Never mind...:P
 On the way home, I had a fight wth lil bro, so he was shirty all the way home... But father came to took us home, so we went home by car. I was exhausted, but so~ happy

Thanks, everyone~
