Random movie time

Yesterday, I wanted to buy Hello Kitty pencil case, but I decided to buy it some other time. But there were so~ cute (* >ω<) My last year of high school is right here in the corner, so I want my things for school all pink, and Hello Kitty (just for fun)(* >ω<)
A few pics before  going^o^
It was a little colder than the other days, so I was happy, cuz I dressed up a little warmer than the usual~

So we just hang out in the mall, when we got to the cinema. It was a movie, which we wanted to see for a long time, so there was the chance(^v^)
We bought out tickets. The movie was from 21:30, and it was around 7 pm when we bought them...
I've got a 50% sale for the combo, popcorn and juice menus~ (I have card for the cinema)
So we had a lo~t of time to look around, for clothes, for everything, but we still had time, so we went for a walk on the hill, near the mall. The town was so~ beautiful from there, in the nightfall~

After we got back, we went inside, and we took some pics in the waiting room, because we had to wait 5 mins more-.-

We went for the movie called: Magic Mike. It had a very great cover, and the trailer was gereat as well, so we was very excited to see this.
I was with Andrea, and when we got inside, we were just the two of us... But after a while others came too, but all girls, just one boy was there, in rest full of girls. But sure, after you will watch the movie, you will understand why~(^з^)-☆
In the cinema. It was dark... and we couldn't use the blitz from the camera-.-
 But the movie was awsome, I just recommant it to all the girls, who want to have a really great time, with 5 awsome guys from the movie(。♥‿♥。)
And when the movie was over, we took a secret, very quick pic with the cover~
The essence seems :P

I don't regret that we were that crazy to buy a random ticket, in random time... The best things happen by accident, ne~?ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

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