Hang out~Third day- Dyeing my hair

On the third day I was somehow very diffuse. I waked up too early, and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I just turned on my laptop and I watched a half movie, but somehow, I fell asleep. I waked up again at 1:30 pm... Oh my... So I was really in a hurry, because I should have been go on a presentation, but sure...
I started to dye my hair, than I had to wash it, so it was a lost day.
I always dye my hair alone, but I was kind of lazy to do it, untill now. It was very worn out, so I needed a rapid regeneration. And that's how I dye my hair:

I used bleaching powder and 12% oxidant since my hair is dark brown

That part it was blonde someday, now it was just kind of orange

The bleaching powder is blue~ (+_+)

One part: done

I used it all( ノ^ω^)ノ゚

Sexy, ne?~ With aluminium foil droppings in my hair( ノ^ω^)ノ゚

I stayed with them on about 20 mins each, than I washed them down. I've got a very bright color now, it's kind of strange, but I love it. (* >ω<)

So it's like this now(* >ω<) Almost white
 After I finished my hair it was very late, so I just vaacumed around the house, and it was already 5 pm, so I had to go. I met with a friend, and we went to drink green tea, from Japan. It was great and very very good. Thanks again for the tea (* >ω<)

At the evening, Takumi came to Sakura too, so we walked home together. I cooked dinner for us and it was very oishii~ I was proud of myself.

It was not a hang out day, again, but I had fun, and it was a better day, than Tuesday-.-

But I have to run now, because today it's really a hang out day (at last). We will go on a concert, and I have to get ready~



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