Japanese Fashion Presentation - Men's fashion

Friday we had another presentation,  again, by Emi^^
This time the topic was men's fashion in Japan.
From the beginning to nowadays~

Also known as Yanki, is the style of the Japanese "Greaser" Gangs that emerged after World War II. They were youg boys from high school, who wanted to "fight" again the extreme conformist society. This style is almost died today, in Japan, but many movies and stories involves nowadays too the word Yanki, or Japanese gangster style.

It comes from Onii-chan (=older brother). This is a style very related to gyaru, but somehow different. Less animal print, much more simple, almost casual. This style is much more coservative, is neat, soft, natural and mature.

This style is more related to Rock. It's more wild, daring and easy to do. Since you got plaid pants or some plaided patterns, and some hole in your outfit, you're almost done.

Sure we talked about Gothic style and Gyaru-o as well, but I wrote about that in my last post, so I will skip it, and I will put some pictures about hairstyles. I found very interesting this topic^^ (But there were only girls, not even one guy, but it was okay like this too, since I have to do the hairstyle for boys ^^'')

Very popular in Host-clubs
A much more "normal" one
And some cute Gyaru-o hairstyles

Hope you guys liked my post^^ It's fun to post about something useful too, not just about me. Like this I learn too    (*´・v・)
So enjoy the Japanese Fashion World  (★^O^★) It's unlimited (:P)

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