Merry Christmas*:・゚✧

Minna Merry Christmas*:・゚✧

I know I'm late (hehe╥﹏╥) I was lazy. 
But now, I'm back. How I promised, I will show how we spent Christmas in our family^^

So I was ready in no time, since I known already what to wear^^
My Christmas look^^ What do you think?

 Around 6 pm my whole family was together. My cousins, my uncle and my granny were here with us^^
Our not so big family

My mom and her fairy tale~

My cousin and her bf~

And my super crazy uncle><
 We ate yummy things, and we get a lo~t of presents. It was a great Christmas, not the best one, but I enjoyed it^^ 

I want to show ou my presents as well^^

Some of my new clothes from my granny and uncle^^

Cute ne?~ Presento from Gasel-kun

And gloves as well^^

And a necklace from my cousins

Kawai~ cow, from my bro~
 And two days ago I went to Andreas place to bring my present for them:) They have a Christmas spirit as well^^ It was fun, and I've got cute presents from them too^^ Love you~

He is Toras little baby (who is not a baby anymore><)

Cute money box~

Pink, fluffy ear warmer <3

A beautiful hairpin~

And a cup, like in Nana~~
 Thank you very much guys^^ You are the best~ 

From Andrea I went to the mall to meet my friend, Lucian. He needed to buy a big teddy bear for his sister, so I went there with him, to help him chose one^^

He is a crazy guy~ Love you too><
  So yes, Christmas is over now, I wait for the New Year. This year was somehow very short, but it was a very great year. I'm happy now, and everything seems to be fine^^

I'm planning to do a list, what I want to do in the next year... I don't know if it's a good idea or not, but someone said to me, that if you write down your dreams and plans, you will fulfill them more easily. We will see^^

Than, a Happy New Year everyone. Have fun~  

*※**※*Winter Garu style*※**※*


It's not really a fashion post or anything related to this, but I just wanted to show you how I get ready for Christmas. How I said I love this holiday very much, so I hope that everything will be perfect^^

First of all, I needed to cut my nails, they were very damaged, so I have short nails for a while:) But I decided to do some cute pattern on it, so I'm not that sorry for tham:
What do you think? Nekos~
My mom is very passionated with decorations, so our hose is very cosy now, like in a fairy-tale><
And we decorated our Christmas tree as well^^
Still in my pajamas ><

I think it's very beautiful^^ It's golden, with orange, this year. You have to know, that my mom changes the colors every year. But I think this is a good thing, we will never get tired of one color (and I don't like colorful trees).

These days I was at shopping almost in every minute>< I love shopping, but It can be very tireing. But I got for everyone gifts for Christmas, even to myself \(^ω^\) I can't wait for the presents ><

Some antique globes. I've got them from Andrea today ♡
I have a tiny Christmas tree in my room, as well. Tora likes it very much><
And than some gyaru-ish things as well^^
No make-up, just my blue eyes^^
It was so~ cold today... We still have some show in some places...
 I went with one of my friends to make some photos^^ So I have pretty make-up and pretty hair too^^ Totally gyaru><
What do you think?
Ye, it was made today ~
I think that's all for today^^ I will post more about my presents, after Christmas, and I will show you how we spend the Christmas in our family^^

Merry Christmas everyone!~

EO24 BLUE Review


It's almost Christmas, and so much good things heppened these days^^
I've got my very new contact lenses~ I so~ love them.

So I decided to do a little review about this, based on my opinion. I bought them from and they arrived in less than a month^^

 Seashell brand:
At natural light

In sunshine

Arificial light


At the light from my room

With flashlight
 Color and pattern
It has a lovely blue color, not so dark, not so light. It's just my favorite tone of blue. It's very cute and my eyes looks very natural with them, since they don't have complicate pattern on it^^
They have 14.5 mm, so they are not the biggest ones, but they fit me very well^^ They made my eyes look bigger, so they look very cute and dolly

I have to confess, that these are my very first contact lenses, so it was very strange at first. But after 30 mins I totally forgot about them. They are very very confortable, and I could wear them the whole day (more than 8 h) and I didn't have any problems with them. Not even in -3 degrees.

All in all, I'm very satisfied with them, they are cute, they are big, and I just love them (*°∀°)=3

Cooking cooking~

Hi minna~ Evelyn here~

I'm very hardworking these days. It was my last day at school, today, and I'm satisfied with all my grades^^

A few days ago I went to my dance partner's place, and I made dinner for us┏(^0^)┛

These days are cold in here~~
 It was a very simple dinner, but I love when I can cook for someone, because usually I don't make anything in the kitchen |・ω・`) However I can cook quit well~
So I made Chinese salad with fried rice. I love those vegetables, and it's a very healthy food as well^^


Yum yum~
He said that it was delicious, so I'm happy, cuz I didn't ruin it |・ω・`)

And talking about cooking.... Yesterday I made a cake~ For Takumi's birthday.^^
My brother helped me too, so we finished it quite fast. I was satisfied with my work of art (´ε` )♡

The fast done cake ~

How I said, my bro heped me too^^

And the ingredients ~

It was simple to make it, but I put it in so much love and devotion >< Hope it was delicious

The biscuits and the cream~

And tadaaa~  It was ready to go~

I realized that I like to make people happy. Not just because it's holiday, or because it's Christmas... It's just like this^^
But sure, I have that spirit of the Christmas too~ So I'm off for shopping tomorrow^^ Like the last time, with Andrea

And we have only 4 days untill Christmas~
I can't wait><