EO24 BLUE Review


It's almost Christmas, and so much good things heppened these days^^
I've got my very new contact lenses~ I so~ love them.

So I decided to do a little review about this, based on my opinion. I bought them from http://shoppingnspree.com/ and they arrived in less than a month^^

 Seashell brand:
At natural light

In sunshine

Arificial light


At the light from my room

With flashlight
 Color and pattern
It has a lovely blue color, not so dark, not so light. It's just my favorite tone of blue. It's very cute and my eyes looks very natural with them, since they don't have complicate pattern on it^^
They have 14.5 mm, so they are not the biggest ones, but they fit me very well^^ They made my eyes look bigger, so they look very cute and dolly

I have to confess, that these are my very first contact lenses, so it was very strange at first. But after 30 mins I totally forgot about them. They are very very confortable, and I could wear them the whole day (more than 8 h) and I didn't have any problems with them. Not even in -3 degrees.

All in all, I'm very satisfied with them, they are cute, they are big, and I just love them (*°∀°)=3

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