Summer, I'm ready~ (≧∇≦)/

Good afternoon, minna~
How are you? You are ready for the summer too? I am, definitely  (^~^)

I'm really sorry, again -.- But this time it's not because of laziness, it's because of my BAC exams.
But IT'S OVER \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/
I will celebrate maybe tomorrow. I will get my results too, I will see what I've done , hihi~ (can't wait)

But since my prom party so many things happened ~ I spent a lo~ of time with my honey, and I'm still spending of course ✿

So to start the summer, we went in a little trip with my parents, and honey~ We stayed two days, one night.

A little photoshooting with us~ Love you ✿
Kawaii~ (I's just really cute~)

Our dog from there, Furry~

Say kimchi~
We made these pictures before we went home~ because the next day we planned to go to the swimming pool with our friends~


Enjoying the free time~

And to continue with our little trips, we went with our friends, Andrea and her boyfriend to my families plot. Finally I had the chance to sleep in our trailer. o.o  It was so~ cool
It was just our little crew without my parents, for four days~
It was our home for 4 days~

It was so~ warm and good when we arrived
We spent 4 really good days there. It was relaxing and a new experience. Relaxing before our English exam :)
I have such a silly guy~~

Hahaha~ *evil laught*

There were 10 l water>o<

Miss and...

Mr. Shopping 2013~

Grandma and grandpa from countryside TωT

Ramen for lunch~

Educating Furry~

And taking naps with pink towel~
Saturday night was a huge storm there. We needed to pack all of our stuffs, because the wind was really strong >< It was so~ scary.
What to do on a stormy night?

Play rummy~

Saturday night~
Last night together~

The last day we remained without water, so we went in the village to get some. It was a real adventure. Big, bad dogs came after us, and we still didn't have water-.- But in the end everything went well.
With no water~

That's the way to eat spaghetti~
We went home by bus. Everyone was so exhausted, but it was a really good trip. We need to repeat it, nee~~?

It's already a really long post so I will finish it here~~
Take care everyone, and stay happy (-^〇^-)

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